Wednesday, August 1, 2018

StepMom Undone, Day 11

June 5th, 2018

My house is actually staying clean!

I had forgotten what it's like to have to clean a room and, for the most part, it actually stays clean.

Remember how I mentioned my stepkids had an energy about them that is sort of...chaotic?
Well, this is another area that sort of follows them around. I know this one isn't their fault, either-based off the many times CYS was contacted by previous landlords everytime they moved, and the accounts of family and my husband of someone's housekeeping skills...let's just say, it was a learned habit.

They(the stepkids) have bouts where they want to clean, and if asked, one out of two will actually try to clean without getting distracted. But for the most part, they would usually leave things wherever and despite two years of reminders, bribes, incentives, etc. they were still treating this house like a dumping ground instead of an actual lived in home.

I tried really hard to extend some grace in this area. I know what it's like to grow up with slobby habits.

But it wasn't just slobby, it was health-hazard disgusting. Even my own children's "messes" are NOTHING compared to my stepkids.

With them no longer here, I have the mental and physical energy to keep up with my home again beyond survival mode. No more mad dart cleaning sprees, only focusing on the absolutely I can slow down, do a thorough deep clean. Days later, it still looks and smells clean. Isn't that great? :D

Yesterday, after an amazing day of re-arranging and deep cleaning w/ my youngest daughter, she asked if we could go to the playground. I habitually looked at the clock, in a panic. I stopped myself. Why did I do that? What time restraints do I have?!

There is no more calculating how much times until stepkids get home from school + drive time + actual time spent at any location, seeing if it's worth going. I don't have to do that anymore!

(Unfortunately, I still wake up in panic mode. I'm not sure how long it's going to take to undo that feeling :/ )

Baby steps, I guess. *shrugs*

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