Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Dieting Progress, Week 8

Greetings, Chaotics!

Well, last week, I made no headway weight-wise. But, at the same time, I didn't really attempt much, either.

I really have no explanation for last week. I didn't have an unwelcome visitor, I just...lost momentum. The six-week hump turned into a two-week-long slump and I HATED it. I cried several times because I felt like I was falling back into old habits and all my work from previous weeks was in vain. I felt like "Fat Girl Jenn" came roaring back to life and I would never break the cycle of overeating, being lazy, and just never being truly healthy.

I did do several workout attempts. And it usually ended in me sweating and messing up moves...in 15 minutes or less. Which isn't my new "normal", but the "I'm just starting and this is not what my body is used to" old me. UGH!

If I didn't understand before, I understand a bit better now- what I eat affects me. During the week of the unwelcome visitor, I let myself go food-wise. I still ate smaller portions than usual, but it didn't matter- it still made me feel crappy. I guess I tried to congratulate myself on smaller portions, but now I get it that I MUST try to eat BETTER. I can't get away with just counting calories.

So, my personal goal for September is to try to incorporate more produce however I can. I bought the items to make my own salad mix instead of buying the pre-cut and assembled bags(because 1. My husband has noticed the cheaper ones have all the pre-cut veggies in the front of the bag...while 98% is just iceberg lettuce, and 2. We loved the chopped salad mixes, but we aren't exactly loving the prices). My goal for the next week or two is to have at least a side salad with my dinner every day, or a big salad at least once or twice a week. After that, I think I'm going to give the cabbage soup diet a try(which, if you don't know much about can read about here.) for a week, and see how I feel beyond that.

Funny how I said I wasn't going to go on some wacky cabbage soup diet, and now I'm seriously considering it, isn't it? I'm not even sure if anyone reads this anymore, so I guess if I sound like a hypocrite, it will only be to myself.

Oh, before I forget...I do have another goal. I am going to try to upload pictures of what I ate each day. I thought I'd be able to just do one post a week with the pictures, but my phone is running out of space(gee, wonder why....). I'm also going to post the links to the workouts I do since no one responded with wanting to see me do said workouts. Not that I'm complaining, that might actually be a blessing in disguise considering I looked like a flopping whale last week due to low energy levels. I won't do a full-on blog entry, just upload the pictures, tell you what it is and provide the workout link(s). I'll still attempt my weekly updates and see if I get too overwhelmed or not.

This week so far, I am feeling SO PUMPED to start getting back into a routine again! Maybe it's just the energy bars(LOL), but I am really excited and ready to push myself this week!

Here's to a great week 9!

Until Next Time,

~Mama Jenn

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